
Hello there and thanks for stopping by to get to know me a little better : )

I go by the name of Kylie Klementine and am a spiritual being, ever learning and growing through this human experience. Some of the hats I wear include Wife, Muma to three beautiful babes, company director with my Lover, RMT Certified Life Coach, Womens Circle Facilitator and doTERRA essential oil wellbeing advocate. 

I live on a picturesque peninsular with 26 beaches and beautiful bushland on the east coast of Australia in NSW. I love seeing how the sky and water changes everyday, dry champagne, dark chocolate Lindt balls, the way my husband cooks fish, giggling at my children’s role playing games and nothing makes me feel more free than riding my silver unicorn, Ezzy, through the bush to the beach and calling life coaching my work.

On the flip side, I’m totally human and have ‘things’. I hate clothes washing (though am particular about how its done, mostly the folding), forget to be a ‘witness’ of my behaviour/thoughts/feelings, have to stay on my inner work game, and of course get over my kids fighting and whiney sounds that I regularly seek empathy and parenting support for from my mentor.

I am passionate about supporting women to overcome their fears and rise into fulfilling their souls purpose.

While I’ve been a Life Coach for five years, so have training and skills in this space, I also have first hand experience of the transformation that is required to embark on officially sharing my gifts with the world from when I left my public service career of 14 years, MUCH earlier than expected, to do just that.

A sure and solid full body, soul endorsing YES, is required before I commit to or offer anything now. It’s a pretty special, free way to live and my absolute mission to help my clients experience the same.

When we meet our need for contribution, one of the six human needs, through positive means we by default, meet all of our five other needs as well. Everyone must and does meet the first four needs for survival. Overcoming the culturally conditioned blocks and programming to thrive through sharing our soul work with the world is possibly the greatest antidote to nearly, if not all, of life’s problems.

And I am equally as passionate about FREEDOM. Especially emotional freedom, is there any other kind?

The emotions we experience equals the quality of our entire life experience. Enhancing our awareness around why we experience certain emotions or states can bring us the information we need to set them free creating space for greater depths of LOVE and heights of JOY!

While these two types of coaching can easily entwine, sometimes its easier or more suitable to start with emotional freedom coaching, particularly if you’re content in the work space or ways you contribute now but would like support in working through a different challenge.

I also ADORE using essential oils in our day to day lives to support our emotional, physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing. Connecting with women to chat all things low tox living and about this type of plant magic is one of my fave ways to share and learn. 

If you’d like to find out more about what I offer or work with me in one of these spaces, please check out my coaching or oils page here, on my website, or drop me a line at kylie.piggott@gmail.com

To the beauti-FULL-est, FREE-est YOU,

MUCH love,

Kylie xx