
If you know what you’re after and would like to process your order please:

-click the “I’m ready to order” button
-choose the ‘join and save’ tab from the top
-fill out your details
-choose your kit OR individual oils and $35 membership
-then enter your credit card details

and I’ll be in touch to welcome you, answer any questions you have and help you get you started YAY : )

Currently exploring the oils and would like to get a feel if they’re for you?

Still getting to know me and would like a deeper sense of knowing if we’re a good match?

You might like to read on and hear some of my story….

Sacred Tree Markets

Not so long ago I had a small online and market stall biz as a sole trader.

I handmade, with heart and soul, soy wax fragranced candles and car and reed diffusers in our family kitchen.

While working with the synthetic fragrances I noticed how unwell they would make me feel, particularly the intense headaches every time I melted, poured and mixed a batch.

I’d also unusually experience unexplainable anger each time, a sign of the toxic overload my liver was dealing with by me inhaling such concentrated synthetic chemicals.

It is worth noting at this point that all the fragrances I worked with were labeled as natural botanical extracts. 

I’ve always had a love for aromatic things. Fresh linen, flowers, perfumes, home cooking, the ocean, the bush and of course essential oils. For as long as I can remember I’ve loved adding a few drops to a warm bath and always had a tea light oil burner flickering away.

So needless to say, as part of that small biz, essential oils had their place too. I experimented long and hard learning how to blend them and safely add them to melted wax at the right temperatures to achieve the best results of a quality candle.

I quickly noticed how much better I felt and how much more I enjoyed working with the essentials oils in comparison to the synthetic fragrances – or botanical extracts if you prefer.

As I felt into what I much more preferred working with, I considered branding my very own line of certified organic essential oils.

Certified Organic – the purest form?

Around the same time friend was running a workshop on how to use oils for emotional well-being. She had started working with a brand that used a network marketing business model which I wasn’t at all keen on the idea of because of some unenjoyable behaviours I’d experienced in the past but decided to go along and learn about the emotional benefits.

To my surprise I decided to order a couple of oils that afternoon with the desire to work on some specific emotional areas.

And as I further started to explore the company, their sourcing ethics and quality they so staunchly stood by… I became more curious.

At this point I wasn’t interested in ingesting essential oils for health reasons but I was interested in using them to flavour food.

So I contacted my certified organic oils wholesaler, who I sourced from to make my candles and reed diffusers, and asked if their’s were pure and safe to flavour food with.

The response I got was the majority of their oils are supplied to the perfume and cosmetic industries and they couldn’t guarantee the safety of them being used in food.

Up until this point I believed certified organic was the most premium grade possible.

I was quiet surprised by this so continued to research the industry at greater depths to understand more.

As I mentioned, I’d considered branding my own line of certified organic essential oils. So I contacted the certifying body to find out how that process worked, maybe there were different grades like a cosmetic grade and a food grade?

But that wasn’t the case.

There is one initial examination to see if oils/products meet the standards and then one annual audit required to maintain the certification.

How people choose to use them is up to them and you will often find that many 100% pure essential oils, including certified organic ones, will say ‘not for internal use.’

So, why is Quality and Purity Important?

I learned that the majority of essential oils are used for cosmetics and perfumes. I learned that the industry is not regulated and there are many hacks used to dilute and cut oils to enhance profit margins. Hacks that are undetectable to some of the few common tests that are randomly performed on some batches.

DōTERRA Essential oils undergo 54 individual tests to ensure their purity and premium quality. They also work closely with their farmers to ensure the plants are harvested at a time when the plant is thriving the most.

Their plants are grown in their place of origin meaning the plant thrives in its natural climate and environment enhancing its quality.

For example, Vetiver will produce the same yield of essential oil if it is harvested at 6 months as it will at 18 months, however the plant hasn’t peaked in potency until its 18 months old. DoTERRA sets up sustainable provisions for the earth and farmers to nurture their crops until this time.

Jasmine, like white tea, can only be picked for a couple of hours at dawn to optimise the potency that will be retained in the plant.

I have used essential oils that have given me a headache.

I have used doTERRRA essential oils that have consistently relieved every type of headache I’ve experienced including tension, stress, dehydration (of course drink water as well) and cold/flu/fever induced ones.

I may be painting a picture for you as to why the oils you choose to use is key to the quality of the experience you will have with them.

These practices that doTERRA have implemented and prioritise are important when we want to use the oils to support our health and wellbeing.

What do you mean Support our Health and Wellbeing?

Their labels will say ‘for flavouring use’ if that type of oil is safe to ingest. 

Their plants are grown in their place of origin meaning the plant thrives in its natural climate and environment enhancing its quality.

Many of these places are developing countries and it has been part of DoTERRA’s mission from the start to build beautiful heartfelt connections with their farmers. To get an understanding of how they work, their challenges and their needs. To pay them fairly, ethically and on time – this is not common or regulated in many of these countries.

Transparency is also paramount so they have a website, called ‘Source To You’ publicly available, where you can click on ‘quality reports’ and enter the unique batch number from the bottom of your little brown bottle to retrieve the test results of every single batch.

Philanthropy started at the heart of the company pumps through the veins of the company with DoTERRA’s ongoing committed work through their Healing Hands foundation and contributions to support Operation Railroad in stopping and preventing child and human trafficking.

You may begin to see there were a few significant areas stacking up in favour of this company… 

Shortly after my oils arrived my friend showed me how to use my online account and explained how the business worked.

The more I thought about it, the more I realised how I could focus on educating and supporting others to make more health conscious choices by switching synthetic based chemical products with this type of premium plant magic.

And it just made sense. It just made sense and it felt good, like something big and beautiful that I wanted to be part of.

Now it’s one of my favourite things to do, teach others how to live more of a low tox life by sharing how I use essential oils daily in almost every area of our lives including:

Green cleaning 

Digestive support 

Respiratory support 

Emotional support 

Stress management 

Head tension relief 

Soothing sore muscles, joints and ligaments

Flavour bombing food

Sleep support 

Relaxation support 

Enhancing meditative experiences 

Enhancing Focus and concentration 

Reducing fatigue 

Clearing brain fog

Skin care

Nail care

Oral health care

Hair care

Bug bites 

Bug repellent 
