
Passion and Purpose Coaching

Why passion and purpose coaching?

Why wld I love to walk beside u, support and encourage u, help u to find ur way, the way that works best and feels so good and right to u in sharing ur gifts and following ur soul path?

Because contribution.

Of all of the six human needs, when we meet our need of contribution – we automatically fulfill each of the other five.

There is a difference between giving and giving away.

it’s when we share our soul gifts in ways that light us up, in ways we are adequately compensated for, in ways that are fulfilling to both or all parties that we are on a fast track of spiritual growth while meeting our bottom four needs of love/connection, variety/uncertainty, certainty and significance by default, as a beautifully nourishing bi product.

It’s not for everyone.

Growth is one of the top two needs.

The journey of the soulprenaur, business owner, artist, soul trader, company director, creator is one that requires a commitment to growing.

To healing, unblocking, cleansing, clearing, feeling, connecting and leveling up.

It’s deeply fulfilling and ever evolving.

And it’s that type of fulfilment that cld just be the antidote to almost all other problems.

E-mail or message me with any questions or to sus out session times.

We can talk strategies, desires, pain blocks, beliefs and fears that are keeping u from where u want to be.

Where your heart and soul yearn to be.

Coaching runs in 4 x week cycles with one 55min video link session per week with homework and voxer support in between and costs $99 per session.

Emotional Freedom Coaching

Our emotional states are the quality of our existence.

Coaching runs in 4 x week cycles with one 55min video link session per week with homework and voxer support in between and costs $99 per session.